BC Irrigation Management Guide
This B.C. Irrigation Management Guide consists of information and exercises to improve irrigation management on farms. Completing the worksheets at the end of this publication will provide a better understanding of how to meet the crop's water requirements while managing water more efficiently.
The Irrigation Management Guide provides three different levels for assessing an irrigation system in the preparation of an Irrigation Management Plan. Assessments for drip/trickle, sprinkler travelling and stationary gun and center pivot systems are provided.
Level 1 provides a system for conducting a basic assessment that includes the preparation of an irrigation farm plan, auditing a system and determining an appropriate irrigation system peak flow rate and annual water use check. Level 1 assessments should be completed by all irrigators.
Level 2 provides a more detailed assessment that considers plants and soil water, irrigation system uniformity and irrigation system operating times and irrigation scheduling techniques. This level should be completed by irrigators who:
- are in regions of water shortages
- are optimizing water use or irrigation system efficiency, or
- wish to improve system performance.
Level 3 provides information on assessing energy efficiency and assessing irrigation systems that are applying reclaimed water or are used for chemigation and frost protection.
The Irrigation Management Guide contains the following chapters:
Level 1
Chapter 1. Introduction to an Irrigation Management Plan
Chapter 2. Environmental Concerns of Irrigation Water Supply
Chapter 3. Climate
Chapter 4. Basic Environmental Farm Assessment for Irrigation
Level 2
Chapter 5. Soil, Plant and Water
Chapter 6. Irrigation System Assessment
Chapter 7. Irrigation Scheduling
Level 3
Chapter 8. Energy Conservation and Operational Costs
Chapter 9. Chemigation, Frost Protection and Crop Cooling
Chapter 10. Use of Reclaimed Water